Tuesday, April 14, 2009

wat i get??wat i l0se??

f0r the last time,i turned and l00ked at the l0ng c0rrid0rs,winner are standing there feting..left the l0ser are l00king at them with the melanch0lic eyes,tat nt wat i want..tat nt wat the l0ser wan..i shut my eyes tightly and heard winner's laughter ech0ing d0wn the c0rrid0rs. My future are uncertain but they..was definite. I walked c0nfidently 0ut 0f the building , carrying "st.j0hn skuad" safely in my mind and in my heart, t0 a faraway place, u all r alway dreamt 0f visiting

1 comment:

  1. um..i kinda dont understand what you're writing..becuz you used all those "susah" de words..my english is not that good...-_- but anyways...next year muz study form6 in smp ya? plz lar..i'll miss you de..XD and dont tak peduli me in school..like kak liu jing only..--
